Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Cont'd: What happened at DM 06

(Ok ok so I couldn't help coming back and sharing the stuff that happened today. Will write some of it and continue the rest tomorrow)

Marketing is all about making profits.

Make no mistake about that. Some argue that its all about creativity. Or being clever. Or something else. No one ever says its about sales. The thing is, its all of the above, but beyond them as well.

Marketing's sole purpose of existence is to make whichever organisation or entity that employs it a profitable entity. If that entity is a consumer-driven one, it seeks to make money and its marketing department is given a budget solely to make money. If the entity is a socio-politial or religious entity, its marketing people are their to make human-profit. Money is a side effect there which is readily welcome. As it should be. Everyone needs it to survive.

That, folks, was the message of the DM 2006 Conference. Direct Marketing in the region - particularly Dubai - is an element that is just not being used in the right frame of reference. And if some smart company is in fact succeeding in doing that, then it is one of the few who do.

Wunderman, that great creative agency whose work I simply adore and rave about, (not particularly because its a place where many of my friends work but that is a plus point), scored a lovely goal this past week by winning the direct marketing gold award in Cannes, the first agency in the region to do so. And we were lucky enough to hear from them at the Conference, as they shared their knowledge and insight.

Sadly, as I pointed out earlier, none of the agencies in Dubai were present to witness it. Which could explain why they're terrible at it.

DHL, OgilvyOne, Airmiles, Emirates Bank, Xerox, the Direct Marketing Association and the Chartered Institute of Marketing were all presenting as well, along with many others. 100 people were there and it was on the opening day that Charles Prescott made the statement that SHOULD make ALL agencies and the Government of Dubai stand up and take note: the UAE's Direct Marketing industry - if it does its DM properly - can effect US$ 13 billion annually.

Anyone listening?

What happened - DM 2006

Just got back from the Conference workshop on copywriting.

It was led by Andy Owen of Andy Owen and Associates and I must say it was great hearing the man live. I've been a subscriber of his newsletters for around 4 years and love his work. However, its quite different when you learn from gurus in person. Just like listening to a musician live as opposed to just buying their CD.

I'll post some of the gems he shared on this blog tomorrow, right now I'll post something he quoted Jerry Reitman as saying:

"Consumers are individuals as unique as snowflakes!"

I hope some Direct Marketers in Dubai understand what that means...


Direct Marketing 2006

This past week has been quite a ride when it comes to Marketing, especially in Dubai!

The best minds - arguably - in marketing around the world had come here to lead sessions during the Direct Marketing 2006 Conference organised by IIR Middle East.

From a marketers' point of view, it was an event a long time coming. Some may argue that last year's event was good enough, but this was a follow-on event with great topics, experienced speakers and market-required workshops.

What marred the entire event was the absolute lack of any direct marketing company attending save one! What is wrong with Dubai? Are the advertising, branding, identity and marketing agencies all gone wankers? Or are they just arrogant?

After working in marketing for 8 years in Dubai, I feel its the latter.

Some of the people I spoke to a couple of weeks prior to the event had a total disregard for any direct marketing event, let alone this one. Their attitude was one of 'we don't need a conference we're doing great ourselves. We don't need someone to tell us what to do!' and even worse: 'Direct Marketing still has a long way to go here, its too early to spend money on such things'!

What is Dubai to do? Sheikh Mohammed, help!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Marketing Gurus all started with a blog...

...its just that they didn't call them blogs back then...just notes!

This is my marketing notes page. If you like it, come back for more. If you make a million bucks from my ideas, I want 10%. If you don't like it, what are you still doing here?